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In a world where Care Bears are motivational figures and stealing candy from a baby is a real threat to society, Dane Shuffy keeps a kind, warm eye on his hometown, Fluff-e-ventura.
In a world where Care Bears are motivational figures and stealing candy from a baby is a real threat to society, Dane Shuffy keeps a kind, warm eye on his hometown, Fluff-e-ventura.
Episode Two
Dane Shuffy awoke in his bed, drenched in sweat. Which was sticky. He had another nightmare. He could not remember what happened, but he had no time to worry about that now. His phone was ringing. It was half past 5 in the morning. What could be wrong?
"Meester Shuff-lee! You must come qweek! Ze bakery, she iz on fi-errrr!" squealed a panicked voice. All concerns of his nightmare left him. Dane Shuffy knew this could mean the end of the wicky-sticky pastries that he often fondled so fondly.
"The wicky-sticky pastries, man! What of the wicky-sticky pastries?!" cried Dane Shuffy.
"Ze pastries, zey too arrr on fi-errrr!" replied the French noise.
Dane Shuffy shuffled like he never shuffled before. The stairs of his apartment block were a blur as he shuffled down, fearing the impending stench of burning wicky-sticky.
Dane Shuffy made it to the bakery before the fire spread too far. Fending off a panicked French man, Dane Shuffy braved the flames face on, rescuing the wicky-sticky pastries from harm.
The town of Fluff-e-ventura presented Dane Shuffy with a lifetime supply of wicky-sticky pastries, for his heroism.
Local Man Loses His Head (And Family)
The same night his business and home burned to the ground, local French business man mourns the loss of his wife (French) and his six puff pastries (children, French), all burned alive in a disastrous fire.
The same French business man claims Dane Shuffy is to blame, calling him "dangerous... completely, utterly useless".
Locals have found these claims to be complete nonsense, with one individual stating, "Not at all, he's adorable! Have you seen him shuffle along?".
The mourning French man is facing a court hearing for defamation of character.